Collective Responsibility Executive Luncheon Series (Re)Launches This Month!

At Collective Responsibility, we believe it is our mission to help organizations and leaders move from a position of awareness of challenges to building organizations that are in the best market position to deliver solutions.  It is a process that we requires education, and authentic engagement, but more than that for the movement from inspiration to action happen, we know that our platform needs to also deliver the supporting context, frameworks, benchmarks, and a community of people whom can be trusted to learn from and collaborate with.

Core to delivering on this mission, is our Asia regional executive luncheon series:  A series that for the last three years has engaged hundreds of executives in Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Singapore on a quarterly basis.  It is a series where global leaders have presented their experience in driving their programs, a local leaders, but will now move to monthly.  In part, because we realized that the series structure was too narrowly defined, and while it did what we initially knew it needed to do, engage executives, it was failing to deliver on building the cross-function engagement and capacity that would be needed to solve the tangible challenges that the region faces.

With that, we are EXCITED to be launching the new “Beyond Business As Usual” series because after a six month rethink, we have specifically created a product that we feel will engage participants through the business in a way that will help firms bring innovative products, services, and programs to the market.

A series that we will be kicking off in Shanghai on April 11, Beijing on April 13, and Hong Kong on April 20.

As always, executives will gain access to the latest sustainable business insights and tactics in order to transform their teams, but at the same time, to ensure that the capacity exists within organizations to take forward the programs, we will be actively delivering function specific events and research to engage and equip the entire business.

To learn more about this program, and to see the schedule of upcoming events, please click here, and if you would like more information on the series, including previous case studies, participants, and membership fees, you can download the membership overview here.

For any questions regarding the series, or to join our mailing list, please contact Charlie Mathews – charlie[@]


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