New Report: Air Pollution in China

Air Pollution - Collective Responsibility

“Improvements in China’s air quality will not only come through national government action. It is a challenge that will require the engagement and enforcement of regulations at both provincial and local levels of government. Recent pledges coming from the national level to reduce pollution, through the 13th five year plan, and measurable improvements in AQI during 2015, show progressive steps are being taken and improvements are being seen. However, these improvements are steps in what is going to be a decade long process before China’s air quality will be considered “clean”.”

Air pollution in China is one of the key issues that the country faces as it looks to continue its economic development while accounting for the growing lifestyle expectations of the Chinese middle class. No longer are people as willing to put up with high levels of pollution in the name of growth and as a result adaptation and diversification of China’s predominantly coal based energy system is occurring.

Through this report, you will gain valuable insight and context into China’s Air Pollution crisis, understanding the main drivers and structural changes, the challenges faced, who the key stakeholders are, and areas where we feel the best opportunities for solution providers to penetrate the Chinese market exist.

To download the report, click here:  Air-Pollution-Collective-Responsibility.pdf (2665 downloads ) .

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