The Potential of the China Market to Drive Responsibility

No doubt you have all by now heard about the NY times piece that has catalyzed a (global) discussion on Apple's sense of responsibility. It is a discussion that has taken place in many forms, and with many angles, but in rereading the piece I found two paragraphs that were most interesting to me. Some former Apple executives say there is an unresolved tension within the company: executives wan…

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Enough with the Band-Aids. It’s Time for Solutions!

If the goal is to solve (or avert) the problems of business as usual, then it is going to take more than band-aids to do it. That is a simple lesson that I teach my students every semester, and one that requires them to go through a series of exercises to identify the root factors causing the problems that emit the byproiducts we are seeing, who the stakeholders are of the key factors, and then…

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The Pursuit of Excellence

For social entrepreneurs, or socially minded entrepreneurs, maintaining a focus on excellence and impact should be paramount. At times, maintaining that focus is difficult .. and tiring .. and it's my hope that this clip helps those of you who are looking for a bit of inspiration (and focus). CrossFit Journal: Pursuit of Excellence with Greg Glassman: "I learned quite a bit about fitness…

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Engaging Students to Adopt Sustainability

Following my posts on the role of business schools as an agent, medium, for sustainability, I felt it was necessary to address the fact that aside from the intentions of the school, the dean, or the professors, the students themselves must be engaged to adopt in a manner that provides the best chances for success. An issue I addressed at a PRME conference in Copenhagen: For us, the key to succ…

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Poyang Lake Pays the Price for China’s Progress

  While there are those who feel that China's economy has no limits, I would like to direct your attention to yet another example of where China's economy is outstripping the basic laws of environmental carrying capacity. Poyang lake, located in North Jiangxi province is perhaps one of the largest lakes that you have never heard of, and it is likely that it will be lost. At only 5% of its…

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Doing a Better Job Teaching Values

Though my time at CEIBS teaching a course on responsible leadership I have been fortunate to meet peers at other schools and within the corporate world who are teaching their students and employees values and issues of society, economics, and the environment. It is a process that at times feels like climbing a sheer faced rock, and given the fact that many schools are still hesitant to say…

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Transparency Can be Painful When You’re Not Prepared

There can be fewer examples of an "open secret" in China than the worsening air quality levels in China's major cities. For a period, this "open secret" was one that was acceptable by all because of the promise of better days, but following the Beijing Olympics and Shanghai EXPO the air has only grown worse in both cities.  Not better as promised. Which has recently been exacerbated by the…

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What value(s) should really drive corporate responsibility?

In the recent entry What really drives value in corporate responsibility? , CB Bhattacharya, Daniel Korschun, and Sankar Sen call into the question the value of CSR programs to the firm, and make three suggestions of how firms can get back on track. It was an article that for me started off quite well, and does a good job to frame a basic problem of CSR programs: Few companies are clear about…

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Ethics and Wanting to be a Social Auditor

An interesting conversation between my wife and my recently fired nanny provided an anecdotal insight into the depths of ethics, and the value of ethics, in China. Wife: "so why did your son left his last job?" Nanny "the company is a mess, my son managed quality inspection for car parts and his manager just want him to keep one eye open one eye closed, so they can meet production quota. My son…

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Every NGO Should Learn to Communicate Like Operation Smile.

Without a doubt, the latest campaign from Operation Smile sets THE example for how NGOs can better communicate their cause, their role, and their impact. The campaign absolutely KILLS IT, and going forward this will be required viewing to learn for the NGOs/ Social enterprises I work with. "So innocent. So loved. So full of promise. So... what's the problem? Every 3 minutes, somew…

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Will Foundations Be More Effective in China?

Over the last 2-3 years, one of the more interesting developments in China's philanthropic landscape has been the explosion of foundations that have come onto the scene. Interesting because as the number of foundations, and the number of celebrities/ CEOs opening their own foundation, grew there was a general belief that this would improve the mechanisms for giving, transparency, and impact. Ho…

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When Donor Resiliency is Lost

Last night, and this afternoon, I had a bit of a scare. A donor to one of the organizations I have been working with, a long time friend, sent me a message that she was pulling her donation because of an error I had made.  It was a simple error in failing to recognize her firm as agreed on.It was an honest mistake, but one that tipped her over the edge.. or so I thought. It turns out she was…

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Leading Business Schools Off the “Grid” to Develop Responsible Leaders

For the last three years, I have been fortunate to be working at the China Europe International Business school as an Adjunct Professor of Sustainability and Responsible Leadership. In this time I have facilitated a course that over 600 students have been required to take, and why it is different (and so much fun) is that the students work in teams to understand an issue of sustainability and…

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Sometimes You Just Cannot Invest Anymore

One of the main concerns for many firms, and donors in general, over the last few years has been the ability to identify and scale up partners that will provide for the highest report on their program investments in China. In part, this is a result of the various scandals and difficulties many have faced when engaging China's GONGOs and NGOs, but it is also the result of a concern that is found…

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The Problem With Endless Supplies of Resources is That They Don’t Really Exist

The other day, while making my way home I caught a glimpse of Toray's desalination advertisement. It was one of those moments that at first I was not sure what I was looking, or the greater meaning, until the very end where the advert cuts out with the ocean in the background and makes reference to it being an "endless resource". A message supported by on their website where they say the…

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