In this episode of #AsktheCollective, I talk about whether China will destroy or save the world, a question I am frequently asked about, and what the opportunities for business and entrepreneurs are to deliver solutions to the market.
As always, we hope you find this series engaging, and if you do, please remember to like, share, comment, and SUBSCRIBE!
#About the AsktheCollective Series:
As a way to engage with you, our audience, we are happy to be kicking off the #AskTheCollective series.
A series built entirely on answering your questions, and through that provide a different level of value to the community of those interested in sustainability or building business models to solve the challenges faced.
It is an open platform, and we hope that through it you will find ways to learn about the challenges faced, but more importantly, we hope that through the answers you will begin to find strategic or tactical insights that help you to move from inspiration to action.
So, keep the questions coming, and if you believe that the series brings value to you, PLEASE subscribe to our channel and tell your friends.
#About Collective Responsibility
Based in Shanghai, Collective Responsibility is a strategic advisory firm founded by Richard Brubaker, one of Asia’s most recognized authorities on sustainability, innovation and responsible leadership.
Founded with the fundamental belief that a sustainable world can only be achieved through awareness of issues, finding tangibility in business cases, and development of cross-sector collaboration, Collective Responsibility acts as a knowledge base, catalyst, and facilitator between stakeholders.
Our mission is to:
– Create a knowledge base and catalyze discussion of issues related to the development of civil society, business sustainability and social development in Asia.
– Develop tangible interests, engagement, and action on issues of sustainability (economic, environmental and societal).
– Develop organizational capacity with the aim to help create stable and profitable enterprises.
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