Here it is folks. My first TEDx presentation – One Person Can Make a Difference.
I was fortunate to have followed 6 speakers in August at the TEDxWanchai event. 6 speakers who had taken steps to change the world in their own little way, and by being the closer for the evening it was my job to take all that inspiration and turn it to action.
I hope it inspires you to act as well.
“Instead of go, I see a step. I see a multitude of steps. I see a stop sign because my brain is getting in the way. It’s saying that I couldn’t, I shouldn’t, and even if I did, one person cannot make a difference. Because taking your inspiration into action, it’s very difficult.
… It’s all about taking that first step. Because once you take that first step, you can’t go backwards. You can turn around and go forwards, but you can’t go backwards.”