August 13 Shanghai Green Drinks

Dear Green Drinkers, 亲爱的GREENDRINKS会员们,

What: It’s that great time of the month again: Green Drinks! 每个月最让您愉悦的集会: “GREEN DRINKS”!
When: August 13th from 6:30-8:30 PM8月13日 晚6:30-8:30
Where: BAU International Lounge (4th Floor) Lane 1252, Fuxing Mid Road (near Xiangyang Road), No.17. Tel. 5466 6969国际四楼休息室 复兴中路1252弄17号 近襄阳路 电话. 5466 6969
Who: Everyone is welcome and it is FREE. 所有人皆可免费参与
Why: Those interested in making the world a better and Greener place. 想要让世界变得更好更环保的人
How: walk, bike, take a bus, or take the subway (line 1 ShanXi South Road Exit). 步行,单车,乘公车或地铁 (一号线陕西南路站)

Drinks and light snacks will be provided thanks to our sponsor The Quiddity Partners. If you or your company is interested in a more active role with Green Drinks please contact us.

感谢我们的赞助商The Quiddity Partners,我们届时提供饮料和小点心。如果你或是你的公司希望可以在Green Drinks中扮演更多的角色,请联系我们。

Arc8X Design will offer its monthly, easy idea to easily Green your life.
Arc8X Design 将主持这次的活动,给我们的绿色生活注入更多的想象力和帮助.

Next Action: Green Ideas Green Action (GIGA) will be in the same spot at the same time next week.
下一个活动: Green Ideas Green Action (GIGA) 将在下周同时同地举办。

Our featured speakers this month are from Greenovate and Quiddity Partners

(more below the break)


In 2007, Mihela Hladin founded Greennovate, a social business with a mission of developing green concepts that contributes to the quality of life in China. Together with partners, Greennovate successfully launched initiatives and projects addressing environmental education, plastic bags use, green office spaces and events related to environment and public engagement.

In a country full of talent and great potential, Mihela is passionate about redefining the ways of living and working in China and is driven by how people here embrace new ideas and concepts. China is proactively promoting environmental consciousness, which means Greennovate has more ambitious projects ahead. This country might be Greennovate’s biggest challenge but it is for sure not the last one.



Jack Derington is an entrepreneur dedicated to bringing effective clean and sustainable technology to China and the rest of Asia. His firm, The Quiddity Partners, has a unique scope that focuses on oil and gas, steel fabrication for refining, petrochemical and infrastructure, capital projects facilitation and clean technology. He has previously introduced and developed two separate corporate businesses in China and is now focusing on more creative and difficult opportunities. He considers himself less an expat and more a poor mandarin speaking Chinese.

About Green Drinks
Green Drinks is an informal monthly opportunity for anyone interested in environmental & social issues, sustainable development and CSR to meet, chat, and network. It’s a self-organizing network, there are no fees, so make sure to spread the word to friends and colleagues. London Green Drinks has been a regular event since 1989, and there are now nearly 450 green drinks networks worldwide. Now Shanghai has one, too. Visit for the full global list. 在环保领域工作的人们每个月都会相约于“绿色畅饮”这一非正式聚会。 参加我们聚会的人士来自各个领域,如非政府组织领域,学术界,政界,商界。只要您有兴趣,我们都真心欢迎。您只需开口问一声:“你们是环保热心人士吗?”我们就会给您引荐参加“绿色畅饮”的朋友。通过畅饮活动,您可以与业界朋友保持定期联系,当然也可以结交到新朋友。每个人都会邀请其他人参加,所以我们的“绿色畅饮”总有新鲜血液加入。我们的活动形式非常简单,虽不是秩序井然,但在参与过程中有的朋友找到了新工作,有的结交了新朋友,有的获得了新创意和灵感。只要您参加,一定有您意想不到的收获。“绿色畅饮”在很多城市都有活动点,并将发展到更多城市。请与您所在城市的活动点联系,获取有关活动的最新信息吧。关于“绿色畅饮”:“绿色畅饮”是每个月举行的,为关心环境、可持续发展以及企业社会责任的人们提供聚会、聊天和建立关系网络平台的活动。我们的活动实行成员自我管理制,免会费,您可放心把它介绍给同事和亲友。我们最早的活动始自1989年伦敦,发展至今全球已有近450处活动中心。上海也有一处,请登录 获取全球所有活动网点信息。

Each month we will be having one or more ‘5 minute chats’ starting at 7:30 pm. The idea is to provide an opportunity for those who want to introduce an organization, a new campaign, or a new issue to the rest of us. There will be an informed audience from a wide range of backgrounds, so this new forum will facilitate spreading new ideas. If you’d like to speak at a ‘5 minute chat’ for future months or know somebody else who might, please send an email to [email protected]每个月我们都有一次以上的“五分钟聊天”活动,目的是提供机会给那些想向成员们介绍新组织或发起新活动,介绍新话题的人们一个机会。我们的成员各有不同背景,来自不同领域,因而更有利于新思想的传播。如果您想获得在“五分钟聊天”活动中发言的机会,或认识想获得这一机会的人,请发email至[email protected]

And for your calendars: Green Drinks Shanghai is always on the second Thursday of the month from 6:30-8:30pm. 上海“绿色畅饮”的日期是:每月第二个周四的下午6点至8点。

You have been selected as someone potentially interested in the Green Drinks event, if you do not want to receive further emails then please send us an email at [email protected] with ‘Unsubscribe’ in the subject line and we’ll remove you from the list. If this has been forwarded to you and you’d like a regular reminder, please email us and we’ll add you to this list. 您已被选为可能对绿色畅饮活动感兴趣的人选之一,如果您不想收到关于活动进一步消息的邮件,请发邮件至[email protected] ,主题标明“不订阅”,我们会将您从人选中除去。如果您感兴趣,想定时获得活动消息,也请发邮件至[email protected] 告知我们。

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