“A critical time is soon approaching, as the number of elderly is predicted to overtake the number of youths by around 2020… The urgency towards action is illustrated by the recent repeal of the OneChild Policy in China’s 13th Five-Year Plan, which states that “the change of policy is intended to balance population development and address the challenge of an aging population”. With this challenge growing in size and scale, stakeholder collaborations have a range of opportunities for solutions to be brought to the market.”
China’s elderly population is predicted to rise to 400 million people by 2033, and the myriad associated economic, infrastructural, and social impacts will become increasingly pronounced over the coming decades (SCMP, 2014). An aging population places a growing burden on the working-age population to maintain economic and infrastructural growth while providing for elderly needs. At the same time, demand from the growing market simultaneously challenges limited government resources and creates opportunities for private actors to fill in the gaps.
The problem won’t diminish in the near future, but developing and implementing effective solutions can help to manage and even benefit from the rise in China’s seniors.
Collective’s new elderly report quantifies the current magnitude of China’s elderly problem, outlines the socioeconomic and infrastructural burden to the populace, and offers insights into potential opportunities for private actors to impact the growing market where it counts.
To download the report, click here: Elderly-in-China.pdf (2735 downloads )
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