The perception of a company’s reputation and overall competitiveness is highly valuable. It is not enough to perform well in real terms; communicating that performance and the commitments behind it can be equally, if not more, important in the battle to influence the marketplace.
In the business world today, governments and citizens are demanding more sustainable business practices from companies. It is therefore critical for companies to communicate their sustainability strategies in an effective manner, both internally and externally.
As part of our sustainability speech series, developed to bring in external experts to speak at leading Chinese universities, this event is focused on helping students understand how foreign enterprises develop strategies and tactics to communicate sustainability in China.
The event itself is scheduled from 2:00-3:30pm on the 26th, and we have 2 panelist in total who speak for 20-25 minutes and then Q&A.
To learn more about this event please email Chuli Duan ([email protected])