MPACT 2030 is the only business led effort designed to marshal the power of human capital investments to address the Global Goals – and the first time that companies will unite their corporate volunteering efforts to address the UN Development Agenda through collaboration.
We believe that corporations are a valuable resource uniquely poised to help respond to the needs of a rapidly changing world. The purpose of IMPACT 2030 is to align companies and their employee volunteer efforts with the Global Goals, advance the practice of employee volunteering, and create real and sustainable change. Each IMPACT 2030 partner company has committed to applying its employee volunteer actions towards one or more of the Global Goals.
The IMPACT 2030 coalition convenes leaders from corporations, the United Nations, civil society, academia, and philanthropic organizations from around the world. IMPACT 2030 was created in response to UN Resolution A/RES/66/67 adopted by the sixty-sixth General Assembly which: “[…] welcome[d] the expanding involvement of the private sector in support of volunteerism, and encourages its further engagement through the expansion of corporate volunteering and employee volunteer activities.”