BeyondBAU Executive Workshop: Telling Your Sustainability Story Through Social Media

Our next Beyond Business As Usual executive workshop will take place on 17th October on the topic of “Telling Your Sustainability Story Through Social Media”, a session where we will look at how firms should use social media to better engage their stakeholders, both internal and external.

To help bring tangibility of application, we will be bringing in guest speakers who will provide practical insights, cases, and tools for they have effectively deployed social media to communicate their sustainability strategy, and activate their stakeholders.

More information on speakers to follow.

Cost (including lunch): Member: Free; Non-Member: RMB 200

If you would please send your RSVP by Thursday October 12th that would be greatly appreciated, and please make your payment in advance to Alipay ID: [email protected]

Please also let us know if you require vegetarian food or have any allergies.

We hope that you will take part in an engaging and insightful session with senior leaders from various industries, and look forward to seeing you on October 17th!

Please contact charlie[@] for any questions.