Planning For Consumer Disruptions

In the recent article The Cheapest Generation, a paragraph stood out: It passed out 100 of the cars to influential bloggers for a free six-month test-drive, with just one condition: document your experience online, whether you love the Fiesta or hate it. Young bloggers loved the car. Young drivers? Not so much. After a brief burst of excitement, in which Ford sold more than 90,000 units over 1…

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The Potential of the China Market to Drive Responsibility

No doubt you have all by now heard about the NY times piece that has catalyzed a (global) discussion on Apple's sense of responsibility. It is a discussion that has taken place in many forms, and with many angles, but in rereading the piece I found two paragraphs that were most interesting to me. Some former Apple executives say there is an unresolved tension within the company: executives wan…

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CSR and Social Media in China

One of the more popular topics in China these days is the impact of social media. It's popular (in my eyes) for two reasons. The first is that firms in China see the potential in the platform as a way to reach consumers, and develop loyalty. The other is the fact that social media has proven very powerful as a catalyst in civil society engagement. For firms, it is the combination of these tw…

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Dan Gilbert on Why We Fail to Act

Last year, I watched perhaps one of the more interesting Poptech videos. It was of Dan Gilbert, a Harvard professor in psychology, on why we as humans have failed to respond in any meaningful way in the face of  Global Warming. At the time, I wrote a review for it on Crossroads that elicited some comments from a good friend (and GW skeptic) that made me think about a wider picture of Dan's c…

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